Eva Fire Protection

fire safety certificate NSW, Australia.

Fire safety certificate NSW, Australia.

Who is responsible for fire safety certification?

Contains all the essential fire safety measures that apply to a building in an annual fire safety statement. As per the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, every fire safety measure must be assessed and endorsed by an Accredited Practitioner of Fire Safety by July 1, 2020. AFSS, or fire safety certificates, are sent to the council and NSW Fire Brigade after assessment and endorsement. Buildings must also display a copy of the statement or certificate.


Who completes the fire protection certificates and statements?

Only the owner or his agent, not the accredited practitioner fire safety person or persons, can sign the Fire Safety Certificate NSW and Annual Fire Safety Statement. On this website, you can see the first page of an annual fire safety statement.

When is the Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS) due?

As a result of one of the following, you are required to obtain a Fire Safety Statement on an annual basis following the issuance of the initial Fire Safety Certificate.

  • Building approval.

  • Construction Certificate.

  • Complying with the Development Certificate.

  • Fire safety order.

  • Or Development Consent.

The Fire Safety Statement has now become overdue if it has not been submitted to Council within the last 12 months from the date of the initial Fire Safety Certificate. Avoid a fine or legal action by submitting it to Council soon.

What is a Fire Safety Certificate?

Every newly constructed building or significantly altered building needs a fire safety certificate. The property fire safety measures are listed below. It must be approved by your local council after being approved by a registered fire safety professional. Form 6 or Form 15 certificates used to be the name of this document.

What is a Fire Safety Schedule (FSS)?

Furthermore, a Fire Safety Schedule (FSS), which lays out all the measures, such as fire protection systems and equipment, that are required for the building in question and the level or standard required for each of them, is available to assist you in your decision-making process. The building codes, Australian Standards, or other requirements that must be met to comply with the fire safety measures will be detailed in the fire safety measures.

What is an annual fire safety statement?

Every item on your AFSS will need to be assessed, tested, and serviced by an accredited person for it to be effective.

A council inspection can result in an FSS. An individual can issue a from FSS if they have the data on file, in which case they can issue a records request to get the data. A fire safety schedule can also be issued by accredited certifiers, such as certified fire protection professionals, to ensure fire safety.

An annual fire safety statement must be obtained on the anniversary of the date when the first fire safety certificate was issued and submitted to the council.

The purpose of this initial certificate is to:

  • Building approval,

  • Construction certificate.

  • Complying development certificate.

  • Fire safety order.

  • Development Consent.

In the event you have not submitted the fire safety statement to council within the past year, you have now missed the deadline. In order to avoid a fine and/or legal action, you must submit it as soon as possible to the Council.

In addition, the statement should be displayed in an accessible place for council or Fire and Rescue NSW officers.


What is a partial annual fire safety statement?

If there are any outstanding issues with a property, we can do a partial AFSS for that property as well. As an example, we can sign off four out of five items that need approval if they are compliant, but one out of five is not. So in this case, we can sign off on at least four out of five items. So, if

  • Fire Hose Reels (FHR)

  • exits

  • sprinklers

  • detection

  • fire doors

As long as all items except the fire doors are compliant, we will be able to sign off on every other item except the fire doors. This partial AFSS may buy you time to resolve the non-biddable issue.

Continuing Fire Protection and Conservation
One way to make sure that you fulfill your AFSS needs is to use our fire protection conservation program. This low-cost, voluntary program includes your annual fire safety statement as well as all other fire protection requirements.

Eva Fire Protection has accredited the Guru of Fire and Safety (APFS) to subscribe to all fire safety measures listed in AFSS, similar to.

Eva Fire Protection have Accredited practitioner of fire and safety (APFS) to sign of all Fire safety measures listed in AFSS such as: